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Thanks to...

All the people who support what we do, and buy tickets, and we would especially like to thank the following:

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Visit West Norfolk
The support of Visit West Norfolk as our lead sponsor has enabled Fear in the Fens to come back as a three-day event once more, and is enabling people to explore the dark and fascinating history of this ancient town and the wider West Norfolk region

And finally, Downham Market Arts, who bought into the idea of Fear in the Fens early on and continue to support with both time and resources.

CULTure Babylon Remembers

We have been going long enough for some of the people who supported us in the early days to sadly no longer be with us...


Richard Gladman
Richard's monster movie double bills in London and his 'Frighten Brighton' event 
were big inspirations for CULTure Babylon.
He was hugely generous in encouraging others to start their own events.

Marion Ross
Marion was Mayor of Downham Market and was among the first people to realise that Fear in the Fens had the potential to add to the cultural life of West Norfolk.
We fondly remember her stuffing goody bags for VIP ticket holders while still wearing her mayoral chain at our first Fear in the Fens Festival in 2016.

Michael  Clarke

Michael Clarke had an extensive knowledge of systems of magic, particularly folk magic and witchcraft of East Anglia.
He was also an expert in the Nightside Qabala of modern occultism.
He talked at CULTure Babylon events on topics as varied as Voodoo, Hoodo and Jewish Folk Magic.

Dr Charlie Oughton 

Taught and wrote on a wide range of cultural subjects and in 2018 brought his fearless performative lecture style to Fear in the Fens with a talk on the impact of Gothic fiction and film on mainstream society. 

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